Mind control

  • Life,  Mind control

    People are driven by emotions

    Despite considering myself a very pragmatic person, even those who claim otherwise ultimately make judgments based on emotions. I often say that I can’t believe someone whose words and actions don’t align, yet I find myself regretfully reaching out to those I dislike, unable to truly stay away. Despite presenting logical arguments, past experiences and emotions drive the ultimate outcome.

    I recently wrote about this on my blog, triggered by childhood memories resurfacing and the impulse to express those emotions. It harks back to when I was 17, witnessing my parents’ deteriorating relationship, despite once being close. Despite my attempt to prevent my father from divorcing my mother, my actions couldn’t alter the inevitable.

    The impactful moment was when my uncle, aware of my parents’ issues, asked, ‘Why didn’t you consult me even once?’ Reflecting on that experience has shaped my life, becoming a favorite story of mine. Trying to convince others is challenging; people already hold the answers within, and supporting their desires while taking responsibility for the outcome is crucial.

    In life, emotions play a decisive role in maintaining balance. We’re all alike in this regard. It adds depth to human experiences, and I’ve come to appreciate that. Regardless of the outcome, emotions prevail, bringing both joy and pain. In such moments, I often remind myself and others: ‘Life is a repetitive process of acceptance.’

    “I embrace the fluctuations of the human heart, hoping to enjoy the journey and become a deeper person in the process.