My daily routine

7:00 am Wake up and study English in my bed

8:00 am Do yoga and meditation

8:30 pm Preparation and free time

9:00 am-4:30 pm Work time

5:00 pm-8:45 pm Go to College

9:00 pm-10:45 Free time

11:00 pm Go to bed

My habit & favourite

Health: Yoga, Jogging, Brushing teeth thoroughly, Going to new places

Alcohol: Sake, wine, Craft beer / Only Weekends / Can’t drink a lot

Non-alcohol: Chai, Latte, Vanilla tea

I hate hangovers…

Food: I love Food. Appetizers, Raw lever, Ykitori, Thai food, Vietnamese food, and so on.

Free time: Searching, Writing and Reading “For relaxing to balance

Having peace of mind and enough time is very important when I suddenly want to action anything.