• Life style

    A capable woman lets go first

    A capable woman proactively lets go first. Capable women engage in the act of letting go early because they understand that if they don’t, new people and opportunities suitable for the next stage won’t enter.

    Before leveling up, everything and everyone that used to fit feels uncomfortable, leading to frustration. The key to leveling up is how well one can let go without attachment.

    Reasons like “because we’ve had a history” or “it’s been precious to me for a long time” or “it’s been a comfortable place” may arise, but for you, who is aiming to level up, those reasons are no longer valid.

    Even though it might feel confusing between the pullback emotions and the desire to level up, muster the courage to let go. Capable women, when leveling up, embrace the discomfort and emotions that come with it, expressing gratitude as they release.

    By doing so, more people and things that align with you better than before will come into your life. If you’re capable, you’ve likely already sensed those discomforting feelings, which are signs of an impending upgrade. Appreciate them and gracefully let go.

  • Life style,  Lifestyle,  Nature,  Work

    Training mountain

    Hi, there. Climbing a mountain is similar to process in my work.

    The other day, I climbed Grouse Mountain, which can be reached in 30 minutes by bus from downtown Vancouver, Canada. Actually, when I went up in June, I bought a gondola ticket for 5 times only to go down the mountain. Grouse Mountain has two routes, one being steep. The other is a slightly more detour and gentler course, and both have the same starting and finishing points. The steep slope course is popular as a training course, so I decided to take on the challenge after a colleague told me I could finish it within an hour.

    The first time was 1 hour and 15 minutes, the second time was 1 hour and 3 minutes, and the third time was 58 minutes, so I finally finished the climb within an hour! I was filled with a sense of accomplishment. However, my goal was planning to cut it within an hour for the third time because I was begginer. I don’t know what kind of mountain it will be the first time around, so I don’t push myself too hard and just figure out how long it will take to get there. What does it feel like? The second time, you won’t have to worry about speed, and will you be able to reach the goal without stopping? What impact will it have later on? The third time I learned that I could go without taking a break, I decided to follow the faster person, but I decided not to stop even if they were separated.

    After all, people who come to training frequently are really fast!! A senior woman, who looks the 70s, left me behind, I have learned how important daily habits are. On the way up, it got tough and I almost had to stop many times, but I vowed that I wouldn’t stop even if it was late, so I continued climbing, and the rest of the way was just like work! I thought that many times. Even though I can’t see what’s ahead, I don’t stop and I’m moving toward my goal, making small improvements little by little. I love to do so. There is no perfect answer to any job. However, this process of not giving up and making improvements through repeated improvements can be mentally tough, but I always work with the desire, and the feeling I get when I achieve something want to share with my client.

    After all, people who come to training frequently are really fast!! A senior woman, who looks the 70s, left me behind, I have learned how important daily habits are. On the way up, it got tough and I almost had to stop many times, but I vowed that I wouldn’t stop even if it was late, so I continued climbing, and the rest of the way was just like work! I thought that many times. Even though I can’t see what’s ahead, I don’t stop and I’m moving toward my goal, making small improvements little by little. I love to do so. There is no perfect answer to any job. However, this process of not giving up and making improvements through repeated improvements can be mentally tough, but I always work with the desire, and the feeling I get when I achieve something want to share with my client.